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Our History


Jai Rani Province belonging to the Religious Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) was erected as a Province on 9th April 2022 through the bifurcation of Jai Christo CMC Province, Palakkad, Kerala. This new Province is situated within the jurisdiction of Ramanathapuram Diocese, Coimbatore. About 14 districts are under this diocese. This is the 25th Province of CMC and 12th Mission Province.

Christ himself tells as: “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (Jn 12:35)

There is nothing more authentic, no narrative, more powerful and no message more challenging than the gospel. Let us strive to share it through our example of loving witness on social media. As a communicator of our faith we have a unique calling. To carry forward the tradition that God himself started to message our faith creatively, enthusiastically and pretty much, with every form of media at our disposal. This has the capability of reaching for more people than any previous medium.

When the standard oil company began to refine petroleum, there was a black substance, a byproduct that no one knew what do with. It was black, sticky, stinking, it could be buried, not burned, and everyone complained of the all but endurable stretch. If it were run into a stream, it would certainly kill all the fish in it. Therefore the company offered a reward to anyone able to solve the problem.

A great many chemists, attracted by the promised reward, occupied themselves with the task of coming with a solution. Finally, one chemist walked into the office of Mr. Rockefeller with a white shinning substance, free from every offensive quality – and in fact extremely useful. It was what we know of today as paraffin, used for candles and hundreds of other useful purposes!

Like the chemist in this incident, often God takes the dirty, sticky, stinking parts of our lives and applies the cleaning agent – the blood of Christ – through which the dirt is removed and we are renewed and made whole and useful. All that is required of us is, like the standard oil company, to hand over ourselves to the Lord with all our weakness and failures.

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